How Phone Interviews Can Optimize Your Recruiting Process

Post and pray.

Open interviews.

There’s a lot of ways to go about recruiting, interviewing and hiring the right employee. I think it’s safe to say that ALL of them take time and energy. We’ve noticed that as the candidate pool gets smaller and smaller, it’s important to make contact with viable candidates as soon as possible. One of the ways we do so is through the use of phone interviews.

Phone interviews are a great way to get a first impression of a candidate and GIVE a first impression to a candidate without wasting too much time in coordinating an in person interview. And you’re in luck, we are giving you an insiders look into our process so that you can optimize your own hiring process through the use of phone interviews.

Once a candidate’s resume gets an initial visual screen and meets the minimum qualifications, we invite them for a telephone interview. We use a system called Calendly to allow candidates to set up phone interviews that work for them. This does two things for us; first it takes a lot of the back and forth out of the process. We set the dates that we’re available for phone interviews and candidates can pick a time that works for them. Calendly also takes care of the reminders so we’re more likely to actually connect with a candidate during their assigned phone interview. Secondly, it helps to weed out candidates that are not serious about the position or those who might be more passive. If a candidate can’t read their emails and doesn’t take the step of scheduling a phone interview, we can safely assume they are no longer interested.

Setting up these interviews allow us to get a sense of the candidates personality, excitement about the positions and how good of a fit they would be for the position. It also allows us to answer any initial questions that the candidate might have about the position so they can also determine if the position is a good fit for their lives.

Implementing this process has assisted in finding our clients higher quality candidates without the sometimes fruitless hours that it may have taken before. What does your recruiting process look like?


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