How a Simple Email Can Keep You in a Future Employer's Good Graces

I received an email a moment ago from a candidate that I was so excited about! She was fantastic during our telephone interview and she had a great resume. The email was letting me know that she had to cancel her on-site interview scheduled for tomorrow because she had accepted another position.

Cue the severe ping of devastation. I was really looking forward to this candidate and I hate feeling like I let my client down.

The next feeling was admiration. It’s not often that you have a candidate that actually follows up with you when they can’t make an interview. Ghosting in hiring is a real thing and it happens all the time. It’s amazing to think that a simple thing like a follow up email would make such an impact but respect like that is few and far between. Here are a couple more things that really stand out for employers:

  • Thank You Cards

  • Two Weeks Notice

  • A Firm Handshake

  • Positivity

These things make you stand out in a candidate pool filled with less than stellar candidates. If you’re questioning whether or not you should send the Thank You Card, send it. Have enough respect for your past employer to give two weeks notice, heck if you can make it three, do it.

I will refuse to blacklist the candidate because she communicated with me. She will be in my good graces and will be considered for future position simply because of her email.

From a frustrated recruiter to a professional candidate….thank you.


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Workplace Romances Employer POV