It Just Got More Expensive to be an Employer

Last night I had the fortune of presenting to a group of about 30 small business owners about the changes to CT's Sexual Harassment Prevention laws, the Fair Labor Standard Act overtime exemption change, and a number of other updates that impact small businesses. We spoke a lot about hypothetical risk and it was a quite timely to the Department of Labor issuing their updated civil penalty schedule.

There are hundreds of risks when you bring on employees and your business automatically become subject to random or for cause audits from agencies such as the Department of Labor and USCIS.

Some of the major increases in penalties include:

  • OSHA violation of any of the posting requirements $13,494

  • FLSA violation of child labor standards $13,072

  • FMLA failing to satisfy posting requirements $176

You can check out the entire notification from the DOL here.


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